Restorative Yoga Explained


Long time no blog, anyway here I am ready to share something with you.

Very recently I was asking visitors to my studio if they wanted some more longer Restorative Yoga classes and an overwhelming amount of people asked – what even is Restorative Yoga?!

Trying not to totally rave and get evangelical about it, I decided to put together a social post and an info graphic.

Restorative yoga:

Restorative yoga uses bolsters, blocks, chairs, straps, blankets and eye pillows to invite us to just slow down. This is mainly a floor, or chair based, passive class; where the body finds the shape of the asana (pose) with the support of props. The body will still feel stretched but crucially in this practice we are able to let go of tension and find stillness to facilitate a greater sense of introspection as we feel the props hold us.

The parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated and you’ll find a deeper sense of presence. This practice shifts the nervous system out of ‘fight or flight’ into a deeply felt relaxation response.

Thanks to Anna Ashby’s wonderful book Restorative Yoga:Power; presence and Practice for teachers and trainees to help with the above.

And my lil’ graphic.

Restorative classes are held every Tuesday 5:45 to 6:45pm and a 90 minute Restorative classes will be held on: ⁠

Sunday 13 November 6 – 7:30pm ⁠
December TBC.

Booking link is here

All classes taught at Little Light Studio, New Cubbington.